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What are the no zones on a semi-truck?

On Behalf of | Mar 20, 2024 | Truck Accidents

Semi-trucks have hazardous areas called “no zones,” which are essentially just the truck’s blind spots. These are places that drivers should try to avoid when possible. They cannot always avoid them entirely – such as when passing a truck on the interstate – but they should not linger in the no zones, as it increases the odds of an accident.

So where are these zones that you need to avoid? There are three main areas to consider.

Directly behind the truck

If you’re behind a semi-truck, be sure that you keep a long following distance. Not only does driving too close increase the odds of an underride accident, but it means that the truck driver cannot see you. You have to be far enough back to be visible in the side mirrors. A normal following distance may not be enough, and you should extend it or pass the truck.

On each side of the vehicle

If you’re directly next to the cab, the truck driver can see you. But if you’re on the side and back next to the trailer, there are some blind spots where the mirrors do not reach. These can lead to merging accidents on the interstate, for instance, when a truck driver tries to switch lanes.

Directly in front of the truck

People usually don’t think of the front of a vehicle as a blind spot, and it wouldn’t be in a convertible, but it can be with a semi-truck. The issue is that the truck is so tall that a driver may not be able to see a pedestrian, a cyclist or a motorcyclist who is in front of the vehicle.

Even if you avoid these no zones, you could still be injured in an accident with a negligent truck driver. Make sure you know how to seek financial compensation for your injuries.