Steps to take after a car accident

Maryland has no shortage of car accidents that can range in severity. Though these are everyday occurrences, they can be hazardous. In the event that you get into one, follow these six steps in order after the accident to minimize potential fallout.

Notify the police

After pulling out of the way of traffic, call 911 and notify police. Ensure that you do this before making contact with the other driver.

Record insurance information

Insurance information is vital to exchange during a car accident. This allows the companies to negotiate who will pay whom.

Obtain a copy of the police report

Get your own copy of the police report. This will prove vital in the event that you need legal services regarding the accident.

Cautiously chat

Chatting with the other driver is fine, but do not admit guilt. You shouldn’t even answer whether you are OK directly.

Take pictures

Having your own copies of pictures of the accident can prove to be useful in the future. Your car insurance company will likely require copies of these, and they may be helpful if you have a lawsuit over the accident in the future. Not having your own records of the incident may be a mistake you’ll regret far into the future.

Make peace with the incident

While a car accident can be jarring, it’s important to keep a healthy perspective on the incident. The most critical information to record is the other driver’s insurance information. If you forget to perform a step in this article, don’t hang your head in shame. Nobody is perfect, and it’s very difficult to perform optimally under the stress of an accident.

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