3 tips for recovering from brain injuries from car accidents

Thirty percent of injury-related deaths are from traumatic brain injuries, and of this 30%, 14% are from car accidents. Maryland allows you to potentially seek compensation for this type of injury, but you must not bear any responsibility for the accident.

1. Diagnose

Some people don’t know how important it is to get a checkup as soon as possible after motor vehicle accidents. When a personal injury claim makes it to court, the judge looks at whether delayed treatment played a role in someone’s responsibility for the severity of their injuries. You could also have life-threatening injuries, yet feel fine thanks to the adrenaline pumping through your body.

Sometimes, your doctor won’t notice anything wrong when you receive a checkup. Symptoms might arise later in the weeks and months after a car accident. Headaches, nausea and vomiting, confusion, difficulty sleeping, irritability, depression, anxiety, seizures and vision problems are common symptoms of brain injuries that you may experience months after the car accident.

2. Listen to your doctor

You might feel fine after starting treatment for your traumatic brain injury, but it’s important to stick to the plan regardless of how well you feel. Proper rest is key in fully recovering from a TBI. Following your doctor’s instructions also matters if you file a personal injury lawsuit. The defendant may try to claim that you’re partially accountable for your injuries because you didn’t follow your treatment plan.

3. Eat anti-inflammatory foods

Eating anti-inflammatory foods helps the healing process. Inflammatory foods could worsen your symptoms and make the healing process take longer. Examples of anti-inflammatory foods include oily fish, whole grains, eggs, green leafy vegetables, blueberries, strawberries and cherries.

Recovering from a brain injury after a car accident starts with first knowing that you have an injury and quickly catching it. Brain injuries require rest, eating anti-inflammatory foods and following your treatment plan to fully heal.

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