The dangers of driving at Christmas

Christmas is a time for giving. Yet every year, some drivers take away the most precious gift of all – life. They leave families to commiserate rather than celebrate.

The Christmas and New Year holidays see an increased danger on the roads. The National Safety Council (NSC) estimates between 604 and 883 people will lose their lives on the road during the Christmas and New Year holidays this year. Many more will be injured.

There are several reasons why:

#1. Alcohol

Many people consume alcohol over Christmas, and many drink more than usual. Hence there’s a high chance that when you drive, someone in charge of another car nearby will be affected by what they consumed. Think about people going home after parties or still being hungover the next morning.

#2. Traffic and miles driven

There is a lot of traffic on the road over the holidays, with people heading out to buy last-minute presents or driving to visit relatives. Many will be stressed as they search desperately for a parking spot or wonder if they will ever find that present their child wants. Others will be exhausted after driving long distances and staying up late.

#3. Weather

While all holidays experience those first two dangers, Christmas and New Year are when you are most likely to encounter weather hazards, such as snow or ice, that make driving difficult. Many drivers will have gone out of state into harsher conditions than they are used to or prepared for.

If someone injures you on the roads this Christmas or New Year, you’ll need to understand your compensation options.

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